It's over three months since my last blog post. <This post> from December still pretty accurately conveys my thoughts and feelings. The index in <this post> this post is a good guide to what I've written about by subject area.

I didn't really want to revive this blog with a single post or two and then go silent again. So I've now got ten posts lined up and ready to go. In some sense it is more of a serialized article than independent posts.

My blog up to this point has been primarily aimed at the non-pedophile public. I've said most of what I want to say on those subjects -- all of what I feel moved to say so far.

Only in passing have I written about other pedophiles who don't share my views. I have had so many thoughts on the subject that I find it difficult to organize them in one structure. But I'm going to try.

I'm going to be talking about and arguing against the pro-contact position -- the idea that actually, adult-child sex is fundamentally OK, if only we shed prejudiced attitudes.

I've thought about pedophilia-related issues and debated them online for a few years now. Googling for "Ethan Edwards" and "pedophilia" will yield a fair number of hits. Other discussions, particularly on GirlChat and BoyChat, may not be indexed. I'm actually more eager to talk with non-pedophiles, but it is harder to find any who will engage me in substantial debates.

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