Ethan Edwards is a pseudonym. I am a pedophile, always celibate, and I have never seen child pornography. My attraction is strongest to girls around 4 years old, but I am also attracted to females up through their 30s or beyond. Now in my mid-60s, I'm divorced and living alone. I was married for over 10 years and was heavily involved with raising my 3 daughters, both before and after the divorce.

I am very unusual for a pedophile in that I didn't realize the full nature of my attraction until I was in my 50s -- but it was there all along. I am disturbed that I cannot tell people who I really am, and that if anyone finds out, I risk losing everything. This has led me to activism and the founding of Virtuous Pedophiles in 2012.

I have come to care very much about the plight of the typical pedophile who realizes as a teenager that his attraction is real and isn't going to go away. The needs of children come first, and my highest priority is doing whatever I can to prevent abuse. But for the vast majority of the pedophiles I run across, that is not an issue at all. They are often miserable, and I would like to create a world where they can be less miserable and maybe even happy -- but without ever sacrificing the welfare of children.

I have been retired for 7 years, but for most of my professional life I was a highly successful software engineer. I live in the Philadelphia area of the US. I have a considerable nerdish streak, and much of my leasure time goes into puzzles and games. 

-- February 13, 2021


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