Man to therapist: "I'm so, so upset! You know my mother's been slowly declining, and I flew out to visit her. After I got back, I had a thought flash through my mind that I wished she would just go ahead and die! It was just that once, but I felt ashamed. Then she did die, six days later! She knew I was an awful son and that's why she died."

Therapist: "I can see you'd be upset, but she didn't really know you had that thought, right?"

Man to therapist: "I feel so terrible. I have this video of a guy being followed by a sheep across a field. He just looks so terrified -- I mean, he didn't know sheep weren't dangerous, but it's still hilarious. I have a copy, and last night I was really depressed, and I knew it would cheer me up a little if I looked at it again. I did -- I had a good laugh. But I just know he could tell I was laughing at him. My viewing caused him pain."

Therapist: "I'm glad you found something to cheer you up. But think about it -- there's no way he could know you were laughing at his video, right?"

Man to therapist: "I feel kind of bad. There was this woman Mary who was on the team making the sales pitch to us last week. I was in the audience and she never saw me, but she was just one very hot woman. And three times since then, at night, I've, well, masturbated thinking about her. And I feel sure she can just tell I'm doing it, I feel like I'm degrading her -- I mean really, she KNOWS I'm thinking about her sexually without permission."

Therapist: "You can reflect on what sexual fantasies make YOU feel bad, but one thing we know is that she does NOT know you are thinking about her sexually. She's 3,000 miles away."

Man to therapist: "I have this video I shouldn't have -- it was stuck in with this big patch of ordinary porn I downloaded for free. It's a girl -- she's like 12, and she's naked, and she's playing with herself between the legs. She looks like she's enjoying it, but I know that's a lie and someone made her do it. I just know she could tell I was looking at her and getting a little aroused. It was like I was abusing her all over again."

Therapist: "I should say so! Of course she could tell! Every time a man looks at a picture of child abuse images, he IS abusing her all over again. It's just as if you were right there beside her making her do it! You abused her -- you personally did it!"

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