I started a blog with the same name "Celibate Pedophiles" at what was then blogspot.com in the summer of 2014. The URL was celibatepedos.blogspot.com. I made hundreds of posts. In November of 2020, I was informed that my blog was being terminated because it was about pedophilia. I am now hoping to recreate most of the blog posts from that blog in this new one. I will also be adding new entries.

I believe that the value of most blog posts deteriorate rapidly over time. Posts are about the latest news, and when it is old news, the blog post is old news too. In contrast, most of my blog entries are more essays than reactions to events. As such, their value persists even if they are old.

Losing my blog at blogspot was disappointing. However, I was always aware of the possibility, even as the period of peace continued past six years. I tried to save a copy of every one of my posts in a text file.

In the intervening months since losing the blogspot version, I have been looking for a new hosting platform. I now have one, under the domain of Virtuous Pedophiles, of which I am co-founder. It is my personal blog and does not represent the views of Virtuous Pedophiles, though the views are always consistent and often very close. Virtuous Pedophiles does not have an official position on the vast majority of topics I have covered in my blog.

The Wayback Machine did archive my old blog. However the most recent copy was from 2017, and I am not sure it is complete even as of that date. But to get a sense of the old blog, you can look at it there: https://web.archive.org/web/20191028084545/http://celibatepedos.blogspot.com/2017/03/index-of-posts-by-category.html.

I am not sure my set of past blog posts taken as a whole is unique, but it is not common. I am a pedophile who is determined never to act sexually with children and never view child pornography. I never have. I am also opposed to making adult-child sex legal or accepted. These were the founding assumptions of Virtuous Pedophiles when it appeared in 2012. I was one of two co-founders. It was not a common stance in 2012, and generated some interest among media and sex researchers. The Virtuous Pedophiles website covers some of the most important aspects of this position. I felt there were a great many other ideas to consider, which led me to start this blog two years later, in 2014. I have covered a great many topics with that viewpoint. Some others have appeared more recently, but to my knowledge they do not have anything like the coverage I have.

One researcher found the blog of sufficient interest that he performed a content analysis on it as part of his work.

I came of age in the 1970s, when serious ideas were to be found in books, with no illustrations, and there was no attempt to write simply to enable more people to understand the ideas. I still operate under those assumptions to a large extent, and as a result I have narrowed the audience to which the blog appeals. Some more recent blogs with the same basic viewpoint have been more accessible, which is terrific.

Serendipity is a new blogging platform for me, and I will be learning as I go.



  • Ethan Edwards  
    This is a test comment, put in as a test. To see if it works.
  • Mr. Smith  
    That is a lot of rebuilding, keep up the good work. Useful Resource for people.

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