[NOTE, 2021: These posts did not survive the transfer of hosts, but "categories" here serves much the same purpose.]

The previous <two>https://celibatepedos.blogspot.com/2020/07/index-books-and-films.html <posts>https://celibatepedos.blogspot.com/2020/07/index-child-pornography-other-posts.html might seem peculiar to people. Why these two lists? The story is that I maintain an <Index by category> of my posts (a featured link on the right side), and I recently updated it. Maybe there's some elegant way to do this, but if so I don't know what it is, so I've just made posts that have links to others. Ordinarily the updated posts don't show up in the chronological list of posts when all I do is edit them. But in this case I wanted to split two topics into two pieces, and the new pieces show up in my list of posts.

I don't read a lot of blogs, so I don't know how common an "index of posts" is, but it makes sense for my blog because it really is closer to a series of essays than reactions to current events. If I wrote on a topic six years ago and it's still what I believe, I don't see any need to write about it again, and I want my readers to be able to find it.


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