There are bad guys and there are OK guys.

There are guys who think kids are sexy and guys who think adults are sexy.

They're separate. There are four combinations and they all exist.

Bad guys who think adults are sexy are rapists. OK guys who think adults are sexy are just about all the guys you meet.

Bad guys who think kids are sexy are child rapists and child sex abusers.

OK guys who think kids are sexy are -- completely invisible! If you think kids are sexy and you haven't gotten caught doing anything wrong, you wouldn't tell anyone about it, right?

You've only heard of three kinds of guys: the normal guys, the ones who rape adults, and the ones who molest kids. So all the pedophiles (ones who think kids are sexy) you've ever heard of are child molesters. Naturally you would think they are all molesters. But you'd be wrong, because the others are all hidden.

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